
✨TaskBoardoffersanextensiveFreetierandanoptionalPremiumtierwithadditionalfeaturessuchasunlimitedsharedlists,customizableboards,tags,and ...,TheTasksBoardChromeextensionletyouaddatasktoyourGoogleTasksinoneclickfromanypageonGoogleChrome.✓TasksBoardletsyoumanage, ...,Unlimitedboards·Boardsandlistscustomization·Customtasklabels·Seeallfeatures.Startyourtrial.Team.$4.99/month/user.Forteamsandcompani...

TasksBoard for Google Tasks

✨ TaskBoard offers an extensive Free tier and an optional Premium tier with additional features such as unlimited shared lists, customizable boards, tags, and ...

Desktop app for Google Tasks

The TasksBoard Chrome extension let you add a task to your Google Tasks in one click from any page on Google Chrome. ✓ TasksBoard lets you manage, ...

Pricing plans for teams of all sizes

Unlimited boards · Boards and lists customization · Custom task labels · See all features. Start your trial. Team. $4.99/ month / user. For teams and companies ...


Get more done with the Google Tasks desktop app. Manage, edit and share your tasks from Mac, Windows, or directly from your browser.

Task Board

2020年7月3日 — Task Tracker是為遠程工作的團隊創建的應用程序,可以主動跟踪項目任務,發表評論並共享它們。 *以團隊或個人身份從雲遠程跟踪項目任務。

Rainlendar Lite 2.11.1 - 來個桌面記事的桌曆吧

Rainlendar Lite 2.11.1 - 來個桌面記事的桌曆吧
